My Story

Aman is a Professor of Marketing and Head of Online Reputation Management at Chandigarh University. Before joining the University, he worked on Gamification of Learning and making the National Database of Hospitals doing Organ Donation in India.

He believes learning should never stop. Currently, he is helping Startups and writing on his 4th book “Bentures Ventures”.

Let’s Work Together

STARTUPS Portfolio

Business is all about finding channels that can bring revenue and then automating those channels for long term.

Worked on an Integrated Marketing Strategy and brand voice for all the Social Networks and Websites. Also planned the Book Marketing Campaign for the first book.

Gamahouse Publishing is a New York-based Publishing House. Led the company acquisition talks and designed the marketing campaign for its sister company.

Read more at Gamahouse Website.

Automated the workflow of Emails, Leads and Sales via Salesforce CRM.

Read More at Qslid Website.

Designed the Online Marketing, Content and SEO Strategy for Edioak.

Read More at Edioak Website.

Did Domain Consulting and helped the company acquire a Premium Domain for their business.

Ranked the Local Business in the Tricity of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula on all the online listing platforms.